Month: July 2024

  • The Spirit of Music

    So what is The Spirit of Music all about? It’s something that touches every musician and listener out there, who in the end are the same energy. The same consciousness. The same Self that resides within me and you, as me and you. That’s why music connects with us in such a deep way. A…

  • Living Easefully

    What could be a more worthy state of being than living with a sense of ease, constantly? There are numerous books written on this subject, and for good reason. Living with a sense of ease would to me, be the manifestation of Divine Grace. Many techniques exist to boost this state of awareness and consciousness.…

  • A Sorcerer’s Way

    This symbol represents sorcery for me. It’s all about embracing the magical nature of reality. But Don Aapo What Do You Mean? Well I mostly mean by this that there are magical roots to the universe. Think about your own mind for example, it’s like a supercomputer that makes sense of reality during each present…

  • Ease Into Satori

    Satori is reached through relaxing into it. Satori is of course a state of being of joyfulness. It’s a relaxed feeling of understanding the truth about reality. To reach Satori is, from my experience, going beyond the mind into a state of wonderfulness and exuberance. It’s one of the keys to a happy life. The…

  • The Optimistic Blessing

    I believe that God is the ultimate optimist and in optimism there is a profound truth. For me it works like this. I tend to get sometimes hung up on failures and forget everything about the good stuff. But I believe now firmly that everything will be good. That there are things coming that are…

  • An Avatar of the Divine

    I’ve been lately getting into this writing thing and I wanted to tell you about a realization that I’ve had. I feel good about writing and to be honest it’s like writing a journal so anything really goes. There are no rules if it’s good or bad and I do think this is a fine…

  • Experience Matters

    Whatever is it that you’re trying to master, it’s all about direct experience. They talk about the 10 000 hour rule. That’s something like 5 years of 8 hour days. Where are you going to invest your next 5 years? 10 000 Hours Mastery takes a long time to achieve. For example I’ve been playing…

  • To Sell You Must Educate

    For us to buy something, we have to be educated on the subject. We have to feel understood and like there’s a fix to our problem. To sell, you must educate. You must understand deeply the problem that the potential customer has and then communicate that knowledge to them. So start by educating people and…

  • Love Is Worship of God

    This is a theme in Sufi Mysticism and I am currently listening to a podcast about it and I decided to take notes on it. So we are servants of God and in a loving relationship with God. That means that we love God and God loves us. Rumi for example writes a lot about…

  • The Golden Dawn

    This is where the rubber meets the road. Now the real challenge begins. Are you ready? For now, it’s time to sip tea with the master. Sipping Tea With The Master That metaphor probably means that we need to be patient and develop our grit in that sense. To have a sense of purpose is…

  • In The End I’m Just Grateful To Be Alive

    To be honest things could be worse. I could be dead. In the end I’m just grateful to be alive. It’s easy to be alive and to be a part of The Living. The Living is one of the names of Allah in the 99 Divine Names of Allah. Mystical Truth Being alive is a…

  • How To Run A Sprint

    I’m doing a business sprint. Maybe you’ve heard of the saying that work is a marathon, not a sprint. But this time around I am thinking outside of the box and taking a leap of faith. That means I’ll be sprinting for business now. Doing a writing sprint, that means a burst of energy in…

  • Live Profoundly

    This is a important statement to make. To live profoundly. How can we make that happen for ourselves? This is a very important topic to touch upon and I’d like to make this post the best one I’ve ever written thus far. How to live a profound existence? I think we can look at this…

  • What God Is Like

    So another one coming up and this one is about what God is like. I’d like to make this into a meditation and that is just to become aware of your hands right now. If we assume that God is real they must be his design, right? So another one is to think of the…

  • Does God Want Us To Suffer?

    So does God want that we suffer? The answer is… *drumroll* No, rather, like is taught in Christianity, God is actually a trinity and that is Father, Son, Holy Ghost. So God has these three aspects to Him or Her. The Father So God looks at us like a really good father would look at…

  • Not From This World

    So to continue on this post Being In The World, Not From The World (go ahead and read that first if you haven’t.) If you’ve ever seen a newborn baby, that’s the essence of being human. There literally is nothing that is more precious and innocent than a newborn baby. Especially when the thing starts…

  • Being In The World, Not From The World

    There’s this profound notion about life, love and truth. This idea goes back into my teenage years when I was first starting to read spiritual books. Now I am 28 and I’ve read my fair share of books on spirituality. One of the first authors that I got familiar was Eckhart Tolle, he has written…

  • For The Love of God

    So this is the time to get into writing this time around. I have no clues where to begin, except that I really like to write about alchemy and philosophy including psychology and other stuff like that. I guess you could say that I am a passionate learner and always on the lookout for new…

  • Welcome To The Path

    Welcome To The Path

    A journey always starts with a simple step. Welcome to this project. I am happy that you’re with me. I am here to assist you in anything you might need. You might be a lover of a good newsletter as you’ve arrived to this place. So warm welcome and I hope that you will enjoy…